Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Gold Tree Outside My Window

I'm so bored. Stuck at home recovering from minor surgery. Sitting around in my living room getting ready to watch football. The sun is out and shining brightly through the tree in our front yard that has turned a beautiful shade of yellow/gold. The color coming into our living room is the most beautiful shade of gold with the sun behind it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Testing 1, 2, 3

I am new at this. When I talk to people I never keep their attention long enough to tell a story. I think that is why I am drawn to writing down thoughts and stories. I am the kind of person that when I open my mouth to speak, someone usually talks right over me. I don't speak up for myself, I usually just retreat into myself believing that what I had to say wasn't very important.
I will find important things to write about. Funny things, sad things. Write I will.